Download U-Value Excel Calculator Based on ASHRAE

Download U-Value Excel Calculator Based on ASHRAE

What is a U-value?

A U-Value is the measure of the rate of heat loss through a material. Thus in all aspects of home design one should strive for the lowest U-Values possible because, the lower the U-value, the less heat that is needlessly escaping.

The calculation of U-values can be rather complex - it is measured as the amount of heat lost through a one square meter of the material for every degree difference in temperature either side of the material. It is indicated in units of Watts per Meter Squared per Degree Kelvin or W/m2K.

U-Value Excel Calculator
U-Value Excel Calculator

U-Value Excel Calculator Based on ASHRAE

Download this excel sheet now U-Value Calculator

This excel sheet includes 33 examples for calculating U Value. All calculation are based on ASHRAE load calculation manual.

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